The Helmet Stayed On

The Helmet Stayed On is a multinational Destiny 2 community that welcomes players of any skill level.

We strive to create long lasting friendships and a healthy social space for all members. As a community we particpate in all activties and priortise the support and growth of our members.

Our Values

The Helmet Stayed On has 3 fundamental principles that define our community.

1. Inclusivity
2. Respect
3. Team work

It is the duty of all members to uphold these principles and report any action that violates them.

Our clan does not tolerate any form of discrimination or harrassment towards members or non-members. Any disrespectful action towards any person will result in heavy pentalies for the offender and potentially a permanent ban from the clan.

Main Activties

Trials of Osiris

The pinnancle PvP activity, Trials of Oiris, is argubably the hardest activity avallable to players. Going flawless is the aim of this playlist and many players are unable to achieve this feat. Our experienced players frequently go flawless and are open to forming fireteams wilth any players in our clan.


Raids are the pinancle PvE activity that requires teams of 6 guardians to complete various encounters and puzzles. Raids can often be a source of toxicity and can be a bad experience for many. That is why our understanding community provides a safe environment for players looking for a relaxing raiding experience. We often host raids and encourage newer players to complete their first run


Niightfalls are short 3 player missions that can be completed on 5 different difficulties. The Helmet Stayed On has players that complete nightfalls on all difficulty levels so no matter your skill level you can team up with our friendly players and complete these missions for some of the best loot available.

Our Leaders







The founder of the clan, Danger, started playing Destiny in 2020. They main the Dawnblade warlock subclass and mostly play Control.

A co-leader for our clan, Tracka, started playing Destiny in 2016. They main the Nightstalker hunter subclass and mostly play PvE endgame activties.

A co-leader for our clan, Mastey, started playing Destiny in 2014. They main the Sunbreaker titan subclass and mostly play PvE endgame activities.

Join Now

The Helmet Stayed On is currently recruiting any friendly guardians looking to build new friendships.

There are no entry requirements for joining so what are you waiting for join now and become apart of a supportive community